MSM’s “Fake News” Narrative is Already Beginning to Collapse


By Paul Joseph Watson

The mainstream media’s “fake news” narrative is already beginning to collapse after the author of a blacklist of “fake news websites” removed the list and Quantcast reinstated to its ranking as the 126th most trafficked website in the world.

Yesterday we reported on how Quantcast had apparently de-listed at the same time that the mainstream media was circulating a list of “fake news websites” that included big conservative news outlets such as Infowars and Breitbart.

Infowars has now been re-instated on Quantcast’s list of top websites and has skyrocketed up to number 126 on the list.

In addition, the list of so-called “fake news websites” created by a biased extreme leftist social justice warrior professor has now been removed from where it was hosted on Google Docs.

msms-fake-newsThe author of the list, Melissa Zimdars, claims that it is being “transferred to and expanded on in a more permanent, dynamic, and collaborative home.” This claim is false. The list has been wiped due to the overwhelming number of complaints received from people pointing out that she had included completely legitimate news sources (the vast majority conservative) on the blacklist.

The fact that the mainstream media, which has proven itself to be the experts at “fake news,” from fake predictions showing Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the presidency, to fake rape campus rape hoaxes, to fake narratives about Trump being responsible for DNC-sponsored violence at his own rallies, is now lecturing everyone else about what constitutes “fake news” is deliciously ironic.

Twitter and other social media websites are now being saturated with the counter-narrative that the main purveyor of “fake news” is the mainstream media itself.

With trust in mainstream media (fake news) continuing to hover at record lows, the corrupt corporate press has once again failed to dictate the terms of reality and only succeeded in making itself look deceptive, underhanded and idiotic once again.

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