Multi-Cultural Day

By Julie Villeneuve



(left to right) Hugh O’Donnell, Lynette Rose, Sarah Sidelinger, Jeffrey Chandler

Students of Mullein Hill Christian Academy, 25 Staples Shore Rd. in Lakeville, enjoyed learning about many different countries and cultures at their Multi-Cultural Day before Thanksgiving break.  “It’s a wonderful celebration of diversity, the many different people groups which God has created,” said Principal, Mrs. Barbara Priestly.  The students researched and then represented Romania, North Korea, Vietnam, Australia, Gibraltar, Niger, England, China, Burkina Faso, Morocco, and Ireland.  MHCA is a Pre-K through 8th grade school.



(left to right) Jessica Gray, Hannah Kosciuszko

For more information about the school, please call:  774-213-9093 or visit:  You can also visit their facebook page.




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