Popular Show’s Recent Episode Is A Breath Of Fresh Air In Liberal TV Land


By Jennifer Roberts

It is no secret that Hollywood films and television programs are overwhelmingly liberally-biased, with much of the content offensive to conservative values.

But once in a while, a program defies the status-quo with a storyline that supports traditional values.

Such was the case with a recent episode of a very popular television program, and the message that was reinforced in the show was a breath of fresh air to conservative viewers.

The television program, This Is Us, has taken the lead with television audiences since its debut, with a growing fan base thankful to finally have some quality programming available.

Save the Storks reported:

The show certainly doesn’t shy away from the hard things. In fact, I think they’ve purposefully covered nearly every universal struggle, sorrow, joy, and victory since the first episode aired.

Popular Show’s RecentThe plot of this recent episode revolves around the character, Kate, played by Chrissy Metz.  Kate learns that she and her fiancé, Toby, are expecting their first child.  However, she is hesitant to share the knowledge, knowing that the pregnancy will be high risk.

Soon after celebrating the news, Kate miscarries, and the show focuses on the grieving process of a mom who loses her baby and how to cope with loss.

While wanting to isolate herself and her feelings, the other characters in the program come to show her their support.  By talking with family and others who have shared her experience, Kate is able to mourn her child.

Since one out of four pregnancies ends in miscarriage, the show struck a chord with many women who have suffered the same tragedy. The liberal media is rife with anti-life propaganda, and many films and television programs show characters who treat pregnancy as an inconvenience and think nothing of aborting an unwanted child.

Save the Storks continued:

Because miscarriage is such a common experience, it comes up frequently in popular culture—whether that’s real life celebrity news or fictional scenarios. But what’s always interesting to note is how miscarriage is treated. More often than not, it’s treated how it should be treated, as the loss of a human life.

Of course, this treatment of human life in the womb diverges greatly from the treatment of life in the womb when it comes to abortion. From Hollywood come some of Planned Parenthood’s most fervent supporters and many shows and movies celebrate abortion as a woman’s right.

While we should celebrate shows that choose to tackle the issue of miscarriage, we should also have our eyes peeled for the inconsistencies in our culture when it comes to life in the womb.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Metz discussed how she tried to portray Kate’s tragic loss in an authentic way. Save the Storks reported on Metz’s comments:

She says that she was just trying “to have empathy for Kate, and this beautiful piece of joy that Toby and her had and then it was taken from her. I just tried to stay authentic in the heartache and also the process of grief because everybody processes grief differently.”

The This Is Us episode is an important statement in our liberal culture, where women are often criticized for being pro-life.  While storylines involving pregnancy are common, miscarriage is not often part of the plot.

The fact that the entire episode depicted in an authentic way the trauma experienced by a mother who has lost her baby, as well as how everyone in her life approaches the subject, has touched many who have seen the program.

The show’s popularity has soared because of the real-life issues it covers and the relatability of the characters. It lies in stark contrast to the majority of television programming – news, talk shows, sitcoms, and dramas – which put a liberal spin on every storyline.

Conservative Bookclub.com commented on the liberal propaganda so prevalent in the entertainment industry today, and why shows promoting traditional values have become almost obsolete:

Art merely becomes a tool to advance a political agenda or identity politics.  Liberals tend to see the world through this lens and have been sacrificing the means for a desired politically motivated end.

Not only does it just make bad art, bad movies, and bad TV shows, but it could be dangerous to a free and open society.  

No doubt there are probably more intrinsic reasons why Hollywood is so liberal today, but consumers and conservatives do have a choice.  Those that weave the hand of power in what we watch, hear, and read, will continue to influence our culture.  If you want to begin to change this, you need to vote with your feet, wallet, and remote control.

The majority of Americans want more television programming that reflects traditional values and the sanctity of the family, but until the economic and social reach of the left diminishes in the entertainment industry, that seems unlikely.

If you or someone you know has had a miscarriage, this episode probably touched you, as well. Mommy Underground recently reported on the dos-and-don’ts of offering support for someone who has lost a baby to miscarriage.

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