The Dangers of Ungodly Music Listening Habits Revealed in Challenging New Book

By Good News Today staffThe Dangers of Ungodly - What's the Big Deal

Using solid biblical truth, author and former rock star Nick Costello challenges teens to trash ungodly music in What’s The Big Deal About Your Music?

Too many Christian adolescents today are compromising their godly values in favor of opening up their hearts and lives to the devil, fellowshipping with him through secular music that espouses ungodliness and evil. Therein lies the danger; teens are unaware when they listen to music representative of Satan’s kingdom that they’re giving him the honor, glory, and worship he’s always desired. Within the pages of What’s The Big Deal About Your Music? the author issues an urgent wake-up call to Christian youth everywhere about the dangers of ungodly listening habits. This is not just another book addressing the issue of music and lyrics. It challenges the heart of all who say they’re a worshiper of Jesus Christ!

This is a very relevant issue of concern for many parents and youth pastors today,” the author says. “It addresses a subject which is perhaps the most powerful influence in a teenager’s life…their music. After a teen reads this book, they will never be able to listen to their ungodly music ever again without knowing it grieves the heart of God and gives the devil the glory and honor only God deserves from them. They’ll also learn godly life-living principles, how to become an uncompromising follower and champion worshipper of Jesus.

Prior to his conversion to Christ, evangelist/youth communicator Nick Costello spent 25 years in the secular music industry as a successful rock star. He knows from firsthand experience the power of music to capture the attention of a teenager, and its ability to influence a young heart and mind. Once God opened his eyes to the truth about his music, he was able to see how

deeply his love for secular music grieved God’s heart. “After wrestling with God about it all, I chose to destroy all my ungodly music. I got my music listening habits right with God, bringing honor and glory to Him” he explains. The introduction features Nick’s testimony including photos.

What’s The Big Deal About Your Music? Is an awesome teaching tool for parents and youth leaders. A must read for every teenager!

Learn more or book Nick for your upcoming youth events at

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