Category Archive: Featured, October 2020

Three’s Not a Crowd – Life in the Spirit
Oct 15, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
By Fred Comella Less than five weeks out from probably the most important election in our nation’s history, and things seem to get worse with each passing hour. You know, it’s really...
BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder: ‘All Meetings and Protests Begin With the Pouring of Libation’
Oct 15, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
By Heather Clark LOS ANGELES — In a recent interview with a local radio station, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Los Angeles chapter co-founder Melina Abdullah explained that “meetings and protests...
Why Aren’t We Allowed To Talk About George Soros’s Plan To Remake America?
Oct 15, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
By Robby Starbuck Since 2015, George Soros has been executing a plan to reshape the country through local district attorney elections by pumping unprecedented amounts of money into races that...
Is BLM the Mask Behind Which the Oligarchs Operate??
Oct 15, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
By Mike Whitney Here’s your BLM Pop Quiz for the day: What do “Critical Race Theory”, “The 1619 Project”, and Homeland Security’s “White Supremacist” warning tell us about what’s...
Churches Aren’t Avoiding Death By Keeping Their Doors Closed. They’re Ensuring It
Oct 15, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
Christians say, with the apostle Paul, that for us to live is Christ, and to die is gain — yet at the very thought of death, so many of our churches slammed our doors shut and are keeping them...
The Notorious RBG – Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Sep 28, 2020 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, October 2020 0
By GNT Staff from Wire Reports WASHINGTON — In the hours and days following the death of the nation’s second woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, politician after elected official lauded...