Category Archive: Featured, July 2017

Grace Christian Fellowship – Bringing Grace Around the World
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
By Fred Comella Events of the last month have certainly gotten the attention of the nation, and frankly the world. The political divisiveness in our country and rising tension around the globe...
Pastor’s son lived with a drag queen, but God’s truth led him out of gay lifestyle
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
By Mark Ellis His father was a Southern Baptist minister with Elvis sideburns. As the oldest of four, he dutifully attended church with his family in Tennessee. “Around the age of...
America Closing In On Civil And Global War
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
By Chuck Baldwin America is edging closer and closer to both civil and global war. There isn’t much unity in the “United” States these days. Resentment, bitterness, anger, and hatred in...
Ark Encounter
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
By Joanna Voynik Spring 2017 Noah, My Dear Friend, As excited as I was to receive your invitation to come for a long-overdue visit, nothing could compare to the wonderful and...
What To Do When Your Child Comes Out
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
Editor’s note: The world has declared June “Pride Month” for LGBT causes, but Christians know that sin is not something in which there is any pride to be found. This article might offer...
Truth Has Become Un-American
Jul 13, 2017 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2017 0
Do the Russians and Chinese understand the true reason for Washington’s hostility toward them? Or to whom the U.S. military/security complex is truly answering? An overwhelming majority of...