Category Archive: Featured, March 2018

In the beginning …
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Fred Comella We are living in times of trial. History is being corrupted in the absence of those who lived it, and a government of, by and for the people is losing sight of its...
The Joy of Cooking
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Elizabeth Filipe Gary LaBlanc, the founder of Mercy Chefs, does not fit in any cookie cutter mold. On December 7th, 2017, Rachel Ray invited Chef LeBlanc to her show, where she praised his way...
Anti-Semitism, Catholicism And Passover?
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Pastor Harold Bolinger What does Easter have to do with Anti-Semitism? Why do Christians celebrate a pagan festival of rabbits and sunrise services more consistent with Paganism than Christ’s...
Billy Graham’s New Home
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Franklin Graham “No matter what your problem is, if you and I could sit down and talk, I would want to tell you one great truth: God Loves you.” My father has joined my mother in...
Republicans Pushing National Biometric ID Bill
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Chuck Baldwin The two major parties in Washington, D.C., have been playing “good cop, bad cop” with the American people for decades, and the charade is still working. The vast majority of...
Warning Went Unheeded, Again! Tragedy In Florida: A Letter From A Student
Mar 15, 2018 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2018 0
By Bradlee Dean “…after the Massacre in Littleton, CO, I realized that as a member of this generation that kills without remorse, I had a duty to challenge all of my elders to explain why...