Category Archive: April 2024, Featured
“Who Owns the World?” A Small Group of Big Money
Apr 16, 2024 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2024, Featured 0
By Peter Koenig “Who Owns the World” is the title of an extraordinary documentary, describing how Big-Big Money controls not only every aspect of your life, but has a stranglehold on...Growing Hatred Of Christians In America — An Evil Signpost On The Road To Armageddon
Jun 17, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, May 2023 0
By Mark Hitchcock I want to talk about something that’s really shocked and saddened all of us: the mass murder that took place at the Christian school in Nashville. Now, let me just say a couple of...A Pastoral Response to Gender Confusion: Caring for Those Caught in the LGBTQ Religion
Jun 17, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, May 2015, May 2023 0
By Jesse Johnson As US embassies around the world wave the Pride flag, there is no denying that LGBTQ has become the American culture’s center of gravity. Twenty years ago, the main American...CEF-RI ‘Good News Clubs’ Not Welcome
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
Providence, Roger Williams City of Religious and Political Freedom By Fred Comella I’ve always believed that this “culture war”, if you will, would be fought in our classrooms, and in the...What Exactly is Saving Faith and How do We Know We Have It?
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
By The Dissenter As Christians living in a world that is hostile to God, we face a barrage of challenges to our faith every day. These attacks come in the form of anti-Creation propaganda, such as...HEARING LOSS
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
By Troy Titus Even before being sentenced to serve a 30-year federal prison term, I’d been begging God to talk to me. To comfort me, to encourage me, to give me wisdom and direction. I’d...Vladimir Putin: Russia and China: A Future-Bound Partnership
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
By Vladimir Putin I am glad to seize this opportunity to address the friendly Chinese people in one of the largest and most authoritative world media in advance of the state visit of President of the...National Academy of Sciences Report Confirms Biblical Truth: ‘There Is Only One Race’
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
By Ken Ham “There is only one race, the human race.” Now that sounds like something I would say, doesn’t it? Indeed, it’s something I (and other AiG speakers) have said for decades, based...Come Out of Her (The Apostate Churches) My People
May 12, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor April 2023, Featured 0
By Rob Pue I shouldn’t be, but I’m still amazed at the number of professing Christians who have never heard some of the things I’ll share with you today. Honestly, they have no clue and if...Let Rhode Island Vote – Faith & Election Integrity
Apr 18, 2023 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, March 2023 0
A Nation in Name Only… By Fred Comella There are a couple of constants which are indisputable when we speak of the greatest nation on planet earth. First, a nation without borders is no nation at...