Category Archive: Uncategorized

Young Patriot Stood Alone for the National Anthem, While His Team Would Not
Nov 01, 2016 Jack Thiel Uncategorized 0
By Todd Starnes (Springfield, IL) — Connor Brewer is fiercely loyal to his college football team. But he is also fiercely loyal to the United States of America. (Photo by Jeff Hill/via Fox News) So...
Nov 01, 2016 Jack Thiel Commentary / Editorials, Uncategorized 0
By David Swanson The 2016 Republican presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by the Republicans, the Democrats, Russians, space aliens, or voters. It was rigged by the owners of...
Where’s the priority to help genocide victims?
Oct 05, 2016 gary Uncategorized 0
Lawmakers flabbergasted by lack of action to address crimes against humanity By Evan Wilt (WNS)–A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Sept. 22 bemoaned the Obama administration’s lack of...
NFL Star Ben Watson on Season-Ending Injury: ‘God Has a Plan in All of This’
Oct 01, 2016 Jack Thiel Sports, Uncategorized 0
By Samuel Smith ( Christian Post) Christian NFL player Benjamin Watson says even though he’s devastated that he’ll have to miss his entire first season with the Baltimore Ravens due to...
International Briefs
Sep 02, 2016 gary News, Uncategorized, World 0
Eight Nepalese Christians arrested for illegal proselytizing (WNS)–Eight Nepali Christians arrested in June, including one pastor and two teachers, could soon be tried for trying to proselytize...