Rev. Doug and Kathy Forbes with their ten grandchildren who inspired this special children’s message.
Rev. Doug Forbes will deliver a special children’s message at the Central Congregational Church in Middleboro on August 6 at 10 am. At the conclusion of the message each child will receive a colorful Bible memory toy. Pastor Forbes will also share a message for teens and adults entitled “The King is Coming!”
Rev. Forbes is the Associate Pastor at the Central Congregational Church in Middleboro, MA. He is also a Christian education consultant for Gospel Light Publications. He conducts teacher training workshops at Christian education conventions, Christian bookstores, churches and camps. He has written numerous articles on creative teaching for many publications including the Easton Journal, Lifeway Publications, Pulpit Helps, Interview Journal, and The Good News Today.
For more information, please call Rev. Bruce Smith at 508-947-1256, or Rev. Doug Forbes at 508-923-9724.