ESPN’s Kellerman Calls on White NFL Players to ‘Show Solidarity’ With Anthem Protests

By Trent BakerESPN’s Kellerman Calls on White NFL Players

Recently on ESPN’s “First Take,” Max Kellerman expressed agreement with Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett’s call for white players to help with the national anthem protests, saying white players should “show solidarity” with the protests.

I think Michael Bennett is 100 percent correct,” Kellerman stated. “White players, where you at, baby?”

He continued, “Come on, what’s going on here? That’s the question right now. And by the way, yes, it depends on the white player. When you paint with a broad brush, black players, white players, they’re individuals, and they have their own ideas about things. So, I’m not saying all white players. What I am saying is, to Michael Bennett’s point, it would — not only would it be very helpful because it would show solidarity across racial barriers, or racial divides, particularly at this time in our nation’s history, particularly with recent events.”

Kellerman then said it was “embarrassing” and a “disgrace” that no white players have spoken out in favor of the national anthem protests.

So you mean to tell me none of the white players in the NFL are maybe ambivalent at least about the protests, but then are thinking to themselves, ‘If I’m ambivalent, if I’m not really sure which way I stand, I need to show some solidarity right now?’ None of them? Not one? It’s a disgrace. It’s embarrassing. And it would be so strong if at least one, especially if he’s a star, stood up and did it,” Kellerman declared.

Kellerman added that players shouldn’t take part in the anthem protests if their consciences lead them to believe that standing for the anthem is the right thing to do.

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