Feed My Sheep

 By Fred Comella


I cannot remember a time when things have been this precarious. And while I’m sure American history, and the history of God’s Earth for that matter, could paint many a picture of struggles gone by, today’s world most certainly has a rough and prophetic look and feel to it. To the degree it’s even possible, God has been chased from our schools, our governments and even the supposed sanctuary of our homes and kitchen tables. Here in America, men and woman, elected and charged with representing our best interest in Washington, debate the viability of the life He creates, up, until, and even after that human life begins the journey outside the womb. The definition of man and woman, as created by Him for the purpose of procreation and the furtherance of His glory, has been shredded and recast, leaving politicians and bureaucrats to argue those definitions on live television, and with most reasonable Americans wide eyed and in stunned disbelief. And as if to validate every historian warning about ignoring history, mankind watches yet again, the march of Godless, dictatorial despots, intent on absolute power and even world domination.


Now with all of this as a backdrop, it’s easy to overlook the no less important, but far less glamorous results of our endeavors in a direction away from God’s desires for His people. We walk and/or even drive right past them in an effort not to see what is right in front of our eyes. At times we are so focused on our own predicaments, that those of our fellow humankind are of no matter to us. Oh, we do sometimes think about those less fortunate, but when no immediate solution comes to our mind, the plight of the homeless mother and child, drug addicted teenager, those with mental illness, or the war veteran with such extraordinary PTSD, that copious amounts of alcohol are his/her only means of rest, are often cast to the back of our minds, there, but not a priority.


So, what of Matthew 22:37–39??? What of the two greatest commandments to “Love Thy God…” and thy neighbor as self???


It’s hard to say. There are so many wrong turns we’ve taken as a nation, as a people, and as humankind in general along the way. And I believe we are so overwhelmed right now by the gravity of our predicament in 2022, that many folks are simply shutting down and giving up. They’ve resigned themselves to the anger and hopelessness the evil one thrives on. One can hardly go to the local Walmart and not feel a great tension in the air, often so thick it would take only one wrong word or cross look to ignite confrontation. So, again I ask, who among us will fill this great void. Who will rise above these “times that try men’s souls”? Well, I’ve spoken to them. I’ve felt their passion for the second great Commandment. I’ve listened to and documented their efforts on behalf of their fellow man for over a decades now. And I’ve been enriched and revitalized concerning mankind’s future by those experiences and conversations. To be sure, these men and women are the light at the end of the tunnel. They are the hope of a God who CAN NOT, AND WILL NOT be chased from anywhere or anything in our lives, so long as we acknowledge Him and what is decent and right in His eyes.


As we struggle under the weight of Satan and his unrelenting desire to corrupt and destroy God’s people, we may be lifted up and empowered to act in such a way that revival is yet possible, and will be a lantern which lights the way forward out of the darkness that has enveloped the world.


George preparing for The Feed My Sheep Inauguration Dinner

In 1967, George Mobray was but sixteen years old when he heard the calling of his Savior. Not for any particular reason, but for a desperate desire to know and understand God’s plan for his life. One of seven children, George knew the struggles as a young Jamaican boy from a big family. But with the love and prayers of his devoted Christian/missionary mother, and Jesus to guide him, George knew he was destined to make a difference.


The Evangelist George Mobray, Founder of Feed My Sheep Ministries, is an example of someone who would carry one of those lanterns I mentioned earlier. As a boy he wanted to be a schoolteacher, or even a preacher in some fashion, again, the inner products of a burning desire to serve his fellow man. But George stunned even his mother when he explained that he would leave for Bermuda, as the need was great there, and he’d heard he could further his education, that which he understood was a necessary tool for him to use in fulfilling his dreams. On arriving, he was dismayed to learn from a boarding house owner, that those opportunities were reserved for residents. But while he knelt and prayed that first evening, the owner of the house saw something in George Mobray that convinced her he’d make a difference in the world. She helped him find work, and he would eventually get his education and come to work at the airport where he’d landed to begin the journey God had planned out for him.


George found love, and married in 1970 at 25, and would father five children. But it was that job at the airport that would lead him to a Traveling pastor from Rhode Island, who was having difficulty finding his bags on his return to the States. “Pastor Bright” would be nothing short of a miracle in George’s life, as he would help facilitate his eventual travel to Rhode Island in 1978, along with his family.


After a career in real estate, and having put his children through Moses Brown and Wheeler School, George would semi-retire to a security job as a consultant and Lieutenant, where God would reach out to him once again. Over the years, George’s faith had never wavered, but he was always searching for the purpose Jesus had for him. (I myself waited nearly a lifetime to find my walk with Christ, but I can testify, there is no greater calling when it comes).


Sitting in his fifth-floor office window at the Fleet Center, George looked out over the city and marveled at the street people and their seemingly never-ending walk, asking, “Lord, what would you have me to do?” His heart became filled with their needs, and with Bible tracts in hand, he set out for the local Dunkin Donuts, where he began simply to minister to people at the walkway and entrance, by way of his own journey, spreading the Gospel to all within earshot.


Some offered money, but George refused, and instead gave away anything given upon him to the needy all around him. There was simply so much need that he was moved to be there daily for near five years. “I established Feed My Sheep Ministries in 2005 after seeing the needs of the people as I walked the streets. The sight touched my heart. One day, the Lord spoke to me, saying, “Feed my sheep.” At first, I did not understand what that meant, so I went home and prayed. I prayed every day and stood at a doughnut shop for 5 years because I did not understand what the Lord meant”.


George at the recent Inaugural Dinner for Feed My Sheep Ministries at the Via Roma Restaurant in Providence, R.I.

“Feed my sheep”. It was the call George had been waiting for, and he’d eventually come to understand what God was trying to tell him. I spoke with him last month, and he was as animated as he was full of the Holy Spirit. George and I talked about his life to that day, and how it had led him to 2005, when he would be ordained as an evangelist, and how John 6:35, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”, had changed his life and finally revealed God’s great plan for him.


We talked about the problems facing a broken country, separated from God, and George explained his simple philosophy. He said four words: “Identify problem, apply solution”. Man, can someone send this guy to Washington??


The conversation swung back and forth as George mirrored my own observations, in that politician’s favor sound bites and bandaids, because addressing the 15 million plus fatherless homes in America, and a nation’s coerced departure from Godly living and family values is simply too hard. “Identify problem, apply solution”. What’s so hard about that??


Feed My Sheep mission statement

Feed My Sheep Ministries John 6:35 International is a non-profit Christian outreach organization that is dedicated to helping improve the lives of people. The purpose is to use the principles of God’s love, faith, family values, economics, and education to encourage Christian living.


George told me of physical as well as spiritual food and spoke of the rapid growth of his new ministry, to include going about the city in his signature red jacket and sharing the Gospel. Many churches heard of his work and invited him to speak and minster to their congregations. And now he has been empowered to expand his services via the seven principle divisions he feels most strongly can be developed in a person who accepts the gift God has given them:



This division is about empowerment, which entails teaching, preaching, recognizing ministry gifts, and child development.


Economic Empowerment

We help people recognize and develop their skills, then assist them in building a market for their services.



This is about providing people with a relaxing time for reflection and fun, including physical fitness and health maintenance (such as hiking and bowling, etc.).



This division addresses people’s lack of knowledge because of insufficient education. Education goes beyond the classroom, including learning about life and yourself. We encourage people to learn from life and their experiences continuously. Our team wants to create a path for them to learn, so we seek those who are willing to be trained to help others. This division is all about recruiting, training, giving, and executing the services.


George in the Feed My Sheep Evangelism Training & Development Room


Also called the “Helping Hand,” this division focuses on training our volunteers to help influence the lives of the less fortunate or sick. Community service falls under this ministry. Our Come and Dine program is a food service and fellowship that brings people in need together to dine and worship. We train our supporters to search where we can serve in the community or church, including teaching or working in the soup kitchens.


There are also great and expanding services like Counseling. This is provided for people who are going through difficult times. To help, we teach supporters to be available and assist with connecting people who need help to services.


Technology Service

This is about using technology to communicate. We train people on technology literacy and how to bring it to their community.


Georges “Feed My Sheep” ministries and efforts continue to grow at an exponential rate, for as I wrote earlier, the need seems never to have been greater. In a time such as this, and in our effort to reconnect and regroup in the light and grace of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we can look to folks like George Mobrey, and the lantern they carry, so we may not stumble.


Hang tough my friends, I know things look bleak at the moment. But when I start to feel my faith under attack, I revert to my own two favorite fall backs below. Maybe you have one or two yourselves. It’s high time we get back to Jesus, and the life changing Words of the Gospel!


Ephesians 6:10-20 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Luke 1:37 For with God Nothing Shall be Impossible


God be with you all…


If you’d like to learn more or help George in any way, be it monetarily or volunteering, please visit feedmysheep635.org. or contact him at 617) 319-8386 or feedmysheepministries127@gmail.com.





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