Know the Bible Now

By Michael Ireland

  1. LOUIS, MO (ANS) – Many people find the Bible hard to read, and are confused by its meaning. Others think of the Bible as an old book, with very little to say to 21st Century readers.

Research shows that less than half of all adults can name the four Gospels, according to a media release from Concordia Publishing House.

While 88 percent of Americans report owning at least one Bible, 48 percent of adults can be classified as “non-Bible readers,” meaning they read the Bible less than once or twice per year (American Bible Society State of the Bible, 2014, 2015). These statistics highlight a growing trend of biblical illiteracy in the United States.Know the Bible Now

“Know the Bible Now” is a new release from Concordia Publishing House designed to help combat the problem of biblical illiteracy, both for new Christians and for those who feel less than comfortable with a basic understanding of the Bible.

Know the Bible Now is a genuine antidote to biblical illiteracy and a welcome solution to the problems illiteracy raises,” writes Paul L. Maier, professor emeritus of ancient history at Western Michigan University.

“The editors and publisher have not used the ‘Read the Bible in a Year’ approach through the familiar listings of daily devotional segments of Holy Writ. Instead, they have responded to authorities in the field of education, who tell us that the literary vehicle most likely to draw attention and to effortlessly enter the memory is the story.”

‘Know the Bible Now’ is a highly visual Bible overview that will help readers embrace a fuller understanding of the biblical narrative. The chapters combine 120 significant Scripture passages with easy-to-skim infographics that connect all of the Word to Jesus, from creation to Revelation.

Features of ‘Know the Bible Now’ include the story of God and His people from beginning to end in 120 key Bible stories, overviews of biblical events, big themes and teachings found in the Bible, 107 infographic summaries for all 66 books of the Bible, and 134 realistic art prints.

‘Know the Bible Now’ is available for purchase at

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