Made for Love

Made for Love- FRONT COVER


By Charlene M. Ryerson –


I joined Holly at her home for an interview of her recent book Made for Love. (Thanks for the salad Holly, it was wonderful.) The book was an easy and quick read.

Holly portrays the very essence of the love of God in this compilation of her testimonies and vision.  She explained the process during our interview.

  1. C. What inspired you to write Made for Love?
  2. H. It was during my morning prayer time when God began downloading various stories, topics, ideas and analogies. I didn’t know it was going to be a book in the beginning. I didn’t know I was going to write a book but I do journal and sometimes God will just download something to me and I go and write it down. Basically the first five chapters of Made for Love weren’t intended to be a book on my end…God didn’t disclose that information to me but I wrote five essay type pieces and by the fifth chapter God was saying “O.K., this is going to be a book, you’re going to put this in a book.” I then asked, “What is the topic, what is the theme of this book? Then I noticed a thread in the five chapters, a similar topic that went through each one…love. So I said, “O.K. it’s going to be a book about love.” Once I knew it was going to be a book I started putting aside one day a week, Tuesdays. Every Tuesday I said, “I’m not going to make any plans, I’m going to shut the phone off-I’m going to shut everything down and it’s just going to be to write.” Each Tuesday I would have my prayer in the morning and God would download in me while I was praying thoughts, analogies, and stories in the Bible. When I was done praying I had to open up my computer and start writing it down what He was showing me. I would spend the entire day writing. And by the end of the day a chapter was done. It took ten days to write ten chapters.
  3. C. What do you mean by ‘downloading’?
  4. H. It’s when God speaks to me with thoughts and putting things on my heart. It’s Him giving me His thoughts, His heart, His feelings. I can’t take much credit for this book, I was God’s pen.
  5. C. Holly, my favorite chapter was Diamonds in the Rough when you stated, “Diamonds are not naturally beautiful. In their natural state they are called rough diamonds and have the appearance of glassy rocks or rocks of salt. It is the diamond cutter’s job to recognize the value and potential of the rough diamond and cause it to surface. After much hard work of cutting, shaping and polishing, the final product is one of brilliance and beauty. Many years ago this analogy was spoken over me during a time in my life when everything around me was in chaos. However, since then, the Lord has cut, shaped and polished me into this brilliant gem that radiates with the glow of Jesus. I no longer feel worthless but valuable in the eyes of God.”

Holly, I want to thank you for this life-changing book concerning God’s love for us and how we should love others.

Some of the chapters of Holly’s book include, Hugs heal, Loving the Unlovely, Love Melts Chains and others.

Please check out Made for Love and other books by Holly (The Tin Man- The Voice of an Incest survivor, Hand in Hand, Free to Dance) and highly recommend others do the same. If you would like to learn more about Holly and her ministry go to


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