By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Buying and selling raw dairy products across state lines has been outlawed in the U.S. since the late 1980s, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided that Americans were no longer free to make their own food decisions without government approval. But this senseless and unconstitutional policy of prohibition could soon become history if a bipartisan effort to restore food freedom reaches a breaking point in Congress.
The Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014, or H.R. 4307, would lift current FDA restrictions that prohibit all interstate trade involving raw milk. Under the new legislation, farmers who produce raw milk and sell it to eager customers looking for a more nutritious alternative to commercial swill would no longer have to worry about being fined, for instance, or raided at gunpoint by government goons with control issues.
According to Campaign for Liberty, the bill, which was introduced by Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky, already has broad support on both sides of the aisle. At least 20 lawmakers, including both Republicans and Democrats, have signed on to the legislation which seeks to protect America’s family-scale farmers and restore freedom of food choice for all Americans.
“The ‘Milk Freedom Act of 2014’ would provide relief to local farmers, small producers, and others who have been harassed, fined, and in some cases even prosecuted for the ‘crime’ of distributing unpasteurized milk,” reads a press release recently issued by Rep. Massie. “This bill would prohibit the federal government from interfering with the interstate traffic of raw milk products.”