Franklin Graham Reminds Islam of End-Times Theology
By Jennifer LeClaire
Franklin Graham is hammering Islam. After making global headlines for rebuking Obama for comparing ISIS to the Christian crusades earlier this month, Billy Graham’s once-prodigal son asked us to imagine the outcry if Christians beheaded 21 Muslims. Now, Graham is pointing to Romans 14:11, Phil. 2:10 and Isaiah 45:23 in his latest response to Muslim terrorism. “The evil of ISIS really shouldn’t shock us—it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse,” Graham wrote on his Facebook page. “God’s Word tells us that there will be a final battle one day, but it will result in the defeat of Satan and all those allied with him. One thing is for sure—one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Gallup: Americans Want Stricter Abortion Laws
(WNS)–Americans aren’t satisfied with the nation’s abortion laws, and it’s not because they’re too strict. According to a recent Gallup poll, most of the 48 percent of Americans who aren’t happy with current regulations want stricter laws. The poll results surfaced as pro-life Republicans scuttled a vote on a bill that would have banned abortion nationwide after 20 weeks. Only 34 percent of Americans expressed satisfaction with current laws, the lowest percentage since Gallup started asking the question in 2001. It represents a 4 percent drop from last year.
Construction of 430,000-square-foot Museum of the Bible Underway
(WNS)–Amid snow flurries in the nation’s capital, construction on the world’s first museum devoted solely to the Bible began in February as demolition began on the site near Capitol Hill. “It’s an exciting day for us,” said Steve Green, president of the craft store chain Hobby Lobby, who birthed the idea for the museum. “It’s been a dream, and it’s becoming a reality.” The Museum of the Bible is a $400 million project scheduled for completion in 2017 and will feature the Green Collection, one of the world’s largest private compilations of biblical texts and artifacts. On Thursday, organizers unveiled floor designs and electronic renderings of the building, which will include five permanent floor exhibits focused on the impact, narrative, and history of the Bible, long-term international libraries, and long-term international museum galleries.
Texas Man Vanishes in Mexico, Raises Fears About Mission Trip Safety
(WNS)–As demonstrators continue to protest the Mexican government’s perceived botched investigation into the disappearance of 43 students, the new disappearance of a Texas man is raising fresh questions about security south of the U.S. border. Elijah Hernandez, 26, an American citizen, traveled in November on a volunteer missions trip to Cabo San Lucas, a tourist destination located on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Hernandez spent several weeks working with Ephesus One Congregation to build a church and was scheduled to fly back to Dallas on Jan. 14 for his brother’s wedding. “He never mentioned feeling unsafe,” Hernandez’s mother, Teresa Hernandez, told me in a phone interview. “He felt very accepted and part of the community there.”