By Susan Brill
PALM DESERT, Calif. – Leaders from across the country will come together in Houston, April 27-29, for a National Summit on the Gospel, convened by the Mission America Coalition/U.S. Lausanne Committee (MAC).
This Summit is a significant shift toward the centrality of the gospel from the group’s previous leadership consultations. MAC’s Phil Miglioratti says the Summit will be a clear and compelling reminder to “embed, incorporate, and make the gospel the DNA of every expression of ministry.”
MAC’s LOVE2020 initiative will also be represented at the Summit. Some 30 planning teams will meet in the afternoons during the Summit to prayerfully plan their next steps and make strategic decisions.
MAC Chairman Paul Cedar says, “The goal is to be used of God to mobilize tens of thousands of Christians within their particular sphere to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to others.”
One of the hallmarks of the MAC leadership consultation and this Summit will be table dialog and participant interaction. Miglioratti says, “We hope people come to listen and learn but also to contribute. For some people, the most powerful thing they hear will come from across the table.”
The event boasts a strong line-up of presenters. Gary Frost’s (North American Mission Board) message will launch the Summit into a prayer experience. MAC’s Paul Cedar will speak about the state of the gospel in America. Ed Stetzer (Lifeway Research) will explore the dynamics that create and sustain movements and how participants can apply those dynamics to their group or organization. Mark Slaughter (IVCF and MAC’s Facilitator for Emerging Generations) will speak about the Good News that is for all nations and generations.
Four workshops will address the most current and critical trends the Church faces today in evangelism:
- Loving Neighbors – What does it take for any neighborhood ministry to be effective and have an impact?
- Welcoming Strangers – The diaspora is in every neighborhood – how can churches and ministries reach out?
- Seeking Justice – How do we make sure the gospel is present in every justice ministry and activity?
- Working Together – How do we take advantage of the desire for unity to create authentic collaboration?
Yale Kim will lead worship and the band SoulFruit will bring the joy of the gospel into the Tuesday evening Celebration of the Gospel.
Register online at or call the MAC office at (760) 200-2707.