ENUMCLAW, Wash. – While churches have participated in congregational singing ever since the days after the Reformation, some say worship is turning into mere performance and a spectator event. In a new release, Worship Revealed: Never-Ending Reverence of Christ (Redemption Press), Tony Rinella agrees. Rinella, who has spent years on worship teams and as a worship leader says, “True worship is the humbling of self and the raising up of God-it is not a band of musicians staging a lavish show.” He adds, “We are created for God’s pleasure and are to glorify the Lord every day. Proper worship is an important part of our spiritual and personal relationship of love, thanks, and intimacy with God.”
Rinella joins other voices that have been raised in concern. Kenny Lamm, worship consultant for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, in an article titled “9 Reasons People Aren’t Singing in Worship” (renewingworshipnc.org, June 11, 2018) says, “What has occurred could be summed up as the re-professionalization of church music and the loss of a key goal of worship leading-enabling the people to sing their praises to God.”
Rinella, who has personally observed what he calls “the decline of true worship” in churches in a number of states in the US, notes many worship services have turned into “emotional, fleshly, enjoyable, fun, and entertaining get-togethers” but may not please God.
He wrote Worship Revealed to help pastors, elders, worship leaders and members learn how to recognize what is and is not true biblical worship. The book outlines how to change and develop true worship without upsetting or confusing the congregation and includes 130 Scripture songs to help and strengthen biblical worship.
Copies are available through Redemption Press, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.