Nintendo Promises to Push Gay Agenda on Children


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO has given a boost to the next wave of progressivism politics – the effort to mainstream homosexuality and fashion a civil rights movement around the “equality” of same-sex marriage. Oliver’s segment on the #Miiquality campaign draws attention to a push designed to normalize the gay lifestyle in video games geared toward children, specifically the eight-thirteen year old demographic.

Earlier this month, the Japanese company Nintendo declined to introduce same-sex marriage in “Tomodachi Life,” a life simulation handheld video game marketed to children over the age of eight. Following the #Miiquality push (Mii is a digital avatar used in the game), Nintendo said it “never intended to make any form of social commentary with the launch of” the game.

The company, however, later stated in future releases of the popular game they will “strive to design a gameplay experience from the ground up that is more inclusive, and better represents all players.”

The push to introduce homosexual marriage in video game content is part of an aggressive agenda to normalize and force cultural acceptance of a lifestyle many Americans oppose on religious and moral grounds. The progressive left has politicized the same-sex movement and has fashioned the forced acceptance of the gay lifestyle into a civil rights movement. Indoctrinating children is key to the movement and this is why video game content is targeted.

“Children, like soft wax, are very malleable,” Soviet propaganda during the Stalinist period declared. “We must rescue children from the harmful influence of the family… We must nationalize them. From the earliest days of their little lives, they must find themselves under the beneficent influence of Communist schools.”

In much the same way the progressivist left believes children must be nationalized and rescued from reactionary Judeo-Christian ethics. In order to normalize what was previously considered aberrant behavior, the left is pushing the gay agenda into avenues of mass media, television, cinema and video games.

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