Postage Stamp Bible Scenes MINISTRY TIP


By Rev. Doug Forbes

Postage stamp art will help your young people remember great Bible stories and their morals as well as the importance of recycling and reusing everything. Postage Stamp Art is lots of fun and will allow your students to express their creativity in a new medium.

Postage stamp bible artFor Postage Stamp Art you need: Bibles Bible concordances, pencils, scissors, 8 ½ x 11inch card stock or construction paper, lots of used stamps, glue and imagination! (Ask the members of your house of worship or civic organization to save stamps for your class.)

Ask your students to use their Bibles and concordances to rediscover their favorite Bible stories that are easily illustrated. Allow time for each child to share his or her favorite story and it’s moral.

Ask each student to choose a Bible story they would like to illustrate, and help them draw it on their paper with a pencil. For instance, they could draw a boat to illustrate Jesus walking on the water, Jesus helping the disciples catch many fish, or the stories of Noah or Jonah. Give each child a good supply of stamps and glue and a pair of scissors. Guide the children as they develop their pictures, but allow them to be creative. Don’t be afraid to trim the stamps as needed. Provide each young person with positive feedback and encourage them to show their works of art to their parents, guardians or grandparents, and share the story and the moral with them.

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