Southern New England Reformation Conference with Dr. Steve Lawson Coming in May

The following interview recently took place between Pastor Rob Ventura of Grace Community Baptist Church in North Providence, R.I. and Reformation 21.



Rob, can you please tell us the reason for this conference?


Sure. When I first came to Rhode Island seven years ago it was evident that there was not much happening by way of Reformed conferences in our immediate area. While there were a few good conferences in New England (e.g., the Bolton Conference), in my little state little was going on. After praying about the matter, as pastors burdened to see biblical truth go forth, my fellow elder Jack Buckley and I decided that we should do something. So, after partnering with a few local assemblies of like conviction and burden (Quidnessett Baptist Church, the Presbyterian Reformed Church, and Grace Bible Church), we started the conference. Our past speakers include Paul Washer, Dr. Joel Beeke, and Voddie Baucham, who each focused on a particular Bible topic for their respective conferences with us. This year we are pleased to have Dr. Steve Lawson as our preacher. Hundreds of people have attended our conferences and for this we thank the Lord.


Why did you pick the topic of the gospel for this year’s conference?


Can there be a better topic to pick? Actually, Steve Lawson and I decided on this together. The gospel is central to all that we believe and do as Christians. As believers, we live in the gospel, we preach the gospel, we counsel with the gospel, and we praise God for the gospel. The gospel is the good news concerning the doing, dying, and rising of Christ Jesus our Lord on our behalf. Therefore, it should be our constant meditation and proclamation as the people of God. I’m delighted that the gospel is Dr. Lawson’s focus this year and pray that his ministry will be a real means of sanctification for saints, and salvation for lost sinners.


We also hear that the day before the conference, on Thursday, May 28th, Steve Lawson will be doing his OnePassion Ministry at your church, can you tell us a little about this?


Southern New England - Steve Lawson1As most people know, Steve Lawson is one of the premier expository preachers in our day. Through One Passion Ministries, our brother manifests his commitment to training pastors in this method of preaching. God has greatly gifted our brother in this regard, so I’m excited that we are able to join this aspect of his ministry alongside our conference. Throughout the entire day on the 28th Steve will be instructing pastors and preachers on some essential aspects of expository preaching. These lectures should prove very profitable in helping all of us to be better expositors of God’s precious Word. Registration for this event can be found here:


Lastly, what are your main goals in hosting this conference?


That Jesus Christ would be praised in all things, that His great truth would be savingly known to all, and that His glorious kingdom would be advanced in our region.


You are cordially invited to attend the Southern New England Reformation Conference at Grace Community Baptist Church, 621 Woonasquatucket Ave., North Providence Rhode Island, on May 29th and 30th 2015. For additional information please see our ad on page 2, visit or call (401) 826-3121.


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