Survey Shows Vast Numbers of Christian Men Addicted to Porn and Having Affairs

By Mark Ellis

A national survey of Christian men reveals that alarming numbers are using porn and engaging in sexual infidelity.

Survey Shows - Proven MenThe 2014 survey was commissioned by Proven Men Ministries and conducted by Barna Group among adult men who identified themselves as Christians.

The statistics for Christian men between the ages of 18-30 are striking: Some 77% view pornography at least monthly; 36% view pornography at least daily, and 32% admit their addiction to porn (another 12% think they may be).

The survey’s results for middle-aged Christian men (ages 31-49) are no less disturbing: Some 64% view pornography at least monthly; and 18% admit being addicted to pornography (another 8% think they may be).

Some 55% of married Christian men viewed porn at least monthly and 35% had a sexual affair while married, according to the Barna survey.

“These statistics knock the wind right out of you,” says Joel Hesch, the founder of Proven Men Ministries. “There definitely is a problem with pornography and affairs among Christian men and people are starving for the church to step forward with solutions,” he says.

“Pornography is one of the biggest unaddressed problems in the church,” Hesch adds.

Those who identify themselves as born-again Christians revealed similar struggles with pornography and affairs, with 54% admitting they look at pornography at least once a month and 31% having had a sexual affair while married.

Hesch, a law professor at Liberty University, broke free from his own 20-year sexual addiction to pornography and masturbation, which extended seven years into his marriage. He created a biblically based system known as the Proven Path for Sexual Integrity, which involves a 12-week course of study, a leadership guide and a book on sexual integrity.

“We believe Jesus is the answer,” he says. “We are taking the Proven Path directly to churches with the goal of helping one million Christian men experience freedom and victory from pornography and sexual addiction.”

Hesch sees some underlying character qualities that contribute to porn addiction. “The root issue that feeds sexual addiction is pride and selfishness,” he notes. He wants men to grow in personal integrity in all areas – to become “proven men.”

“The mark of a proven man is not the absence of sin,” he says, “but how you respond to setbacks.”

Hesch has been free from pornography and masturbation for 17 years. “I want men to become proven across the board. I have realized what it means to pick up your cross every day. I know that every day I may be tempted, so every day I put on the armor of God.”

To find out more about how you can be a part of the solution, visit their website at The full survey results are located at

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