What in the World is God Doing!


By Rev. Doug Forbes

What in the World is God Doing is an exciting book detailing the work of world missions today. This wonderful book is one of the most comprehensive and accurate books of its kind currently available.

My wife Kathy and I are big supporters of missions overseas and at home. When you get to know missionaries personally, you gain a fresh vision of the importance of helping others. We like to think of missionaries and those who go on missions trips as good deeds looking for a place to happen.

What in the worldKathy and I are especially interested in the work of medical missions and those who work with the very poor. We love Compassion and the work of Franklin Graham (Billy Graham’s Son) with Samaritan’s Purse, and their medical arm World Medical Mission. World Medical Mission places volunteer physicians, nurses, dentists and other medical personnel in mission hospitals and clinics around the world.

Dr. Olsen’s book lists the neediest countries in the world and ways we can help them. He also gives us a solid history of missions, good and bad. He discusses the importance of medical missions in third world countries and explains how many peoples’ very survival depends on the work of permanent medical missionaries and the many doctors, nurses and dentists who give up their well-deserved vacations to participate in medical mission trips.

Dr. Olson explains to the average reader the rationale for medical missions, which are: to alleviate human suffering, to combat ignorance and superstition, to dispel prejudice and create good will, to promote public health, to demonstrate the love of God and to point the patient to God’s great love for everyone. Many times a loving and caring word, touch or gesture can do more to promote healing than all the medicine in the world. Everyone needs to know they are special and that God loves them very much. A simple act of love can still change a person’s world and our whole world for the better!

But, how can we help? We can pray for our missionaries and encourage them with letters and other forms of moral support.

We can also give to the work of medical missions. Most medical people on short term missions trips pay their own way and they always work for free. But, the medicine and medical equipment can be expensive. We can help by giving to our favorite missionary or our house of worship’s medical missions. A few dollars could save a life!

To learn more about “What in the World is God Doing” through missions, you may wish to order Dr. Olson’s terrific book through your local Christian bookstore or through Amazon. It touched our hearts, and we believe that it will touch yours too.

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