“First of all, I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. This is good and pleases God our Savior. He wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4; GWT)
The upcoming hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh highlight the importance of our national midterm elections. A number of states will elect new U.S. Senators who will vote on the confirmation of numerous federal judges, including the likelihood of one or more Supreme Court justices.
In the Midterm General Elections, November 6, 2018, Americans will vote on:
35 U.S. Senators
ALL 435 U.S. House of Representatives seats
39 Governors
7 Mayors of major U.S. cities
Numerous state and local offices (Check your Secretary of State’s website for local election details.)

Brett Kavanaugh takes the judiciary oath, delivered by retired Supreme Court Chief Anthony Kennedy (R)
This upcoming midterm election is being called the most consequential midterm in many years. Some of the issues of current concern to the praying Church are:
Laws regulating abortion
Euthanasia legislation
Parental rights
Definition of marriage
Gender identification
Increasing attacks against religious freedom
All of the above could change based on the voter turnout of God’s people in the upcoming general election.
The 2014 midterm elections turnout was the lowest in 70 years. Due to prayer walking and Christian get-out-the-vote projects, 2016 saw the greatest turnout in decades.
7 Prayers for the Elections (Without Getting into Politics!) based on 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Heavenly Father, today we lift before You the upcoming midterm elections. We pray that people will become well informed on where candidates stand on the issues and will seriously seek You in how they vote. We ask that voters would not put economics or politics above the godly and biblical foundations upon which America was founded. Lord, we pray for Your Spirit to fill the voting booths and guide people as they vote. We ask that all Americans would follow Your guidance, not just political parties. Lord, please watch over the integrity of the voting system; protect the casting and counting of every ballot. By Your Holy Spirit, awaken huge numbers of godly people who will turn out to vote. Most of all, Lord, give us godly leaders of integrity who will govern in wisdom and righteousness.
40 Days of Praying in Unity for the Nation
It’s a 40-day season, beginning September 28 and continuing through Election Day, November 6. You can also visit many of the supporting organizations’ websites that are listed for additional national prayer resources. You will be praying in unity with thousands of different intercessors from across America, connecting with a coalition of prayer leaders that are standing together, and saying, “We are concerned about America.” Would you join us? Pray in Unity. We’d love for you to participate. Let’s turn the tide!
Visit www.prayinunity.org for additional information.