By Pastor Butch Paugh, PPP
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Deut. 28:28-29 tells us that an individual or nation that forgets God will be smitten with “madness” (Strong’s No. 7697 — craziness, furiously, madness) and blindness and astonishment,( No. 8539 – 8541 — to be amazed in consternation — be amazed to be astonished, marvel, wonder) of heart. vs.29 — And thou shalt grope at the noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, (emphasis added) and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore (emphasis added) and no man (emphasis added) shall save thee. Jer. 17:5 also tells and warns “Thus saith the LORD, cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh his flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Why have we allowed ourselves to be so deceived for so long when we have so much evidence of the effects of continuing to trust in man and man’s ideas and humanist governments? How did we become so “damned” (II Thes. 2:12) dumbed down and apathetic? Election farce after election farce, we continue to look to man, man’s ideas and political affiliations to save us! Insanity is U.S.! Election after election, or should I say selection after selection, we continue down the same road to destruction and the masses still don’t get it! And most just don’t care! They are too apathetic to even listen to the truth, much less get involved in exposing and standing against the evil we have created and allowed!
Why do we cry freedom, freedom and no to the IRS and taxes? That we want limited government, less government interference and control, but we keep supporting the same people and political parties that continually expand our enslavement and control over us? Obviously, Deut. 28:28 certainly pertains to U.S.!
You see, folks, we (me included) weep over our lack of freedom, liberty and more control of our lives, but let’s face it, most folks want to hang onto the government “pacifier” and have freedom too! We cannot be wards of the state and a free people too! Whoever provides your needs is your “lord”! Your overseer! That’s where we get the term “landlord” from!
We have been strongly warned in Prov. 23: 2-3 to put a knife to our throat if we are a person given to appetite (No. 5315 (partial) desire, lust, pleasure, will) vs. 3, “Be not desirous of his dainties: For they are deceitful meat.! Dainties = welfare, food stamps, HUD, Medicare, Medicaid, government loans and even social security. Even though we have been deceived to pay into some of these government dainties we curse ourselves by trusting “men” to watch over us for our care and to control how and if they will give us back our own money! As long as we follow “their” rules, we may be “entitled” to our money. How “brutish”! Brutish–Strong’s Nos. 1197-1198. In part, stupid or foolish. 1828 Webster’s Dictionary: “like a brute or beast; insensible; savage; ferocious; gross; carnal; bestial; ignorant; uncivilized; untaught.”
We find in Ps. 49:10 that brutish people will perish. In Prov. 12:1, “The brutish hate reproof and correction. The very people we should look to for guidance, our pastors too, as a whole, have become brutish according to Jer. 10:21.
To be ignorant of the truth destroys us and condemns our children. Hos. 4:6. When people become prosperous, they usually become brutish also. Hos. 4:7. And “willful” ignorance is certain damnation.
Eventually folks, this brutish ignorance will lead us into a complete dependency on man and his benefits (dainties) and the final damning compliance to man’s control. Rev. 12:17. If we do not or will not receive the love of the truth, God Himself will send a strong delusion that we cannot be saved and will be damned! II Thes. 2:10-12 and Rev. 13:7-8. Are we really that insane?!
By Pastor Butch Paugh, PPP
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Deut. 28:28-29 tells us that an individual or nation that forgets God will be smitten with “madness” (Strong’s No. 7697 — craziness, furiously, madness) and blindness and astonishment,( No. 8539 – 8541 — to be amazed in consternation — be amazed to be astonished, marvel, wonder) of heart. vs.29 — And thou shalt grope at the noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, (emphasis added) and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore (emphasis added) and no man (emphasis added) shall save thee. Jer. 17:5 also tells and warns “Thus saith the LORD, cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh his flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Why have we allowed ourselves to be so deceived for so long when we have so much evidence of the effects of continuing to trust in man and man’s ideas and humanist governments? How did we become so “damned” (II Thes. 2:12) dumbed down and apathetic? Election farce after election farce, we continue to look to man, man’s ideas and political affiliations to save us! Insanity is U.S.! Election after election, or should I say selection after selection, we continue down the same road to destruction and the masses still don’t get it! And most just don’t care! They are too apathetic to even listen to the truth, much less get involved in exposing and standing against the evil we have created and allowed!
Why do we cry freedom, freedom and no to the IRS and taxes? That we want limited government, less government interference and control, but we keep supporting the same people and political parties that continually expand our enslavement and control over us? Obviously, Deut. 28:28 certainly pertains to U.S.!
You see, folks, we (me included) weep over our lack of freedom, liberty and more control of our lives, but let’s face it, most folks want to hang onto the government “pacifier” and have freedom too! We cannot be wards of the state and a free people too! Whoever provides your needs is your “lord”! Your overseer! That’s where we get the term “landlord” from!
We have been strongly warned in Prov. 23: 2-3 to put a knife to our throat if we are a person given to appetite (No. 5315 (partial) desire, lust, pleasure, will) vs. 3, “Be not desirous of his dainties: For they are deceitful meat.! Dainties = welfare, food stamps, HUD, Medicare, Medicaid, government loans and even social security. Even though we have been deceived to pay into some of these government dainties we curse ourselves by trusting “men” to watch over us for our care and to control how and if they will give us back our own money! As long as we follow “their” rules, we may be “entitled” to our money. How “brutish”! Brutish–Strong’s Nos. 1197-1198. In part, stupid or foolish. 1828 Webster’s Dictionary: “like a brute or beast; insensible; savage; ferocious; gross; carnal; bestial; ignorant; uncivilized; untaught.”
We find in Ps. 49:10 that brutish people will perish. In Prov. 12:1, “The brutish hate reproof and correction. The very people we should look to for guidance, our pastors too, as a whole, have become brutish according to Jer. 10:21.
To be ignorant of the truth destroys us and condemns our children. Hos. 4:6. When people become prosperous, they usually become brutish also. Hos. 4:7. And “willful” ignorance is certain damnation.
Eventually folks, this brutish ignorance will lead us into a complete dependency on man and his benefits (dainties) and the final damning compliance to man’s control. Rev. 12:17. If we do not or will not receive the love of the truth, God Himself will send a strong delusion that we cannot be saved and will be damned! II Thes. 2:10-12 and Rev. 13:7-8. Are we really that insane?!