Wikileaks Published a List of Consumer Electronics “Targeted” by the CIA


By Piper McGowin | The Daily Sheeple

Wikileaks has now posted “Identifying Hacking Targets of the CIA” which lists out “companies, products, tools, and terms that are mentioned in the Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed publication to date,” in order to inform people as to whether or not their smart phones, computers, gaming systems, television sets etc. can easily be turned into covert surveillance devices by the Central Intelligence Agency.

We are trying to determine which are CIA hacking targets and need help reviewing the documents associated with each company/product to determine if it is vulnerable to CIA hacking.

Hint: the majority of modern consumer tech is. The list has a key:

Wikileaks PublishedMost of the “targeted” products you would expect are on there… Apple, Android, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Sony. The list goes on and on and will be updated as more of the Vault 7 documents are read through.

As previously reported, at least in the case of the iPhone the CIA’s documentation reveals that the agency likely had access to the iPhone supply chain before the phones hit stores and that’s going back to at least before 2008…

You’ve got to wonder how many other consumer electronics sold today are in the same category. A better idea would be to make a list of the tech that isn’t easily hackable by the CIA; that’s probably a very, very short list.

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