Women’s Ministry Leadership Brunch

By Good News Today Staff


CareNet Pregnancy Center of RI invites you to join them for a brunch to be held at Stony Lane Baptist Church on 921 Old Baptist Road in North Kingstown, RI on Saturday, June 21st, 10 am- 12:30 pm.


This brunch is to help equip pastor’s wives and women’s ministry leaders to reach women and men in their congregation who might be struggling with a past abortion or need healing around their sexual past. This is a hands on workshop with plenty of time for discussion and fellowship with other women’s ministry leaders. We would love to have you join us!


The purpose of the workshop is to: 1. Equip you to break down barriers to minister to hurting woman. 2. Recognize the effects of an abortion on the women of your congregation. 3.Sharpen Awareness – Stats indicate 1 out of 4 woman have had an abortion. 4. Share available help and resources


If you have any questions or are interested in attending, please R.S.V.P. by Friday, June 14th to Cindy Aucoin at caucoin@carenetri.org or call 401-941-2051.  Please note there is no charge for this brunch. We are looking forward to seeing you there!


For additional information about CareNet-RI please visit their website at www.carenetri.org. You can also contact them at 35 Greenwich Street, Providence, RI 02907 or call 401-941-2051 and email Info@carenetri.org. 

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