Category Archive: National, News

Police Officer Dad Understandably Upset When He Finds Out What His 2nd Grader’s Class Did at Recess
Jan 04, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Chris Martin George Borden, the father of a student at Alma Del Mar Charter School in New Bedford, MA, is speaking out against an activity his daughter’s second grade class took part in. On...
National Briefs
Jan 04, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
VeggieTales Makes a Comeback on Netflix (WNS)–Thanks to the success of small-budget indies like God’s Not Dead, big-budget TV miniseries like The Bible, and the return of Old Testament movie...
McDonald’s, Starbucks Resist Calls to Offer Porn-Free WiFi
Jan 04, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Kiley Crossland (WNS)–Despite nearly 25,000 supporters, a public campaign asking McDonald’s and Starbucks to install anti-pornography filters on their in-store free WiFi networks...
When Hollywood and Government Conspire
Jan 04, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Dave Gonigam “[B]laming North Korea is the easy way out for a number of folks, including the security vendors and Sony management who are under the microscope,” writes Marc Rogers. If...
Fire Chief Refuses to Take Down “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas Sign Despite Complaints From Atheists
Jan 04, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Teresa Neumann, Benge Nsenduluka (Utica, NY)—Outside Firehouse No. 4 is a sign that reads, “Happy Birthday Jesus We Love You.” It’s a sign the crew at the firehouse has...
Naughty and Nice List Exposes TV Advertiser
Dec 03, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Drew Zahn (WND) If Santa Claus is preparing a list of who’s been “naughty and nice” this year, some companies are going to be getting a lump of coal in their stockings for the smut they’ve...
National News Shorts
Dec 03, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
“Net Neutrality” or Government Meddling? (WNS)–President Barack Obama issued a strong statement Nov. 10 calling for increased regulation of the internet. The move is ostensibly meant to...
Mars Hill Church to Dissolve
Dec 03, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
Local church sites assess options, while former elders repent By Warren Cole Smith (WNS)–Mars Hill Church, which as recently as January had more than 14,000 people attending Sunday...
Interpretive Dance
Dec 03, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
The BioLogos Foundation is making a major, well-funded push to change the way Christians read Genesis and think about Adam and Eve By Daniel James Devine (WNS) Just a five-minute stroll from...
Colorado High School Bans Prayer Meeting During “Free Time”
Dec 03, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor National, News 0
By Sarah Padbury (WNS)–A Colorado high school senior is suing school officials after they told him he couldn’t meet with his Christian friends during a “free period.” The group...