Author Archive: Larry Lepore - Editor

Local Church reaches out to soldiers in Afghanistan
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Local, News 0
The Good News Today staff Freedom In Christ Ministries will be sending out care packages to U.S. Soldiers serving in Afghanistan. Packages will include snacks, a Military Bible, a letter thanking the...
US Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Mass. abortion clinic Buffer Zone law
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Local, News 0
Pro-family lawyers bring big defeat to abortion movement POSTED: June 26, 2014 On Thursday, June 26 the US Supreme Court ruling on McCullen v Coakley unanimously overturned the odious Massachusetts...
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Inspiration 0
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are...
Refrigerator Magnets MINISTRY TIP
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Inspiration 0
By Rev. Doug Forbes Refrigerator magnets make wonderful gifts, and they don’t take much space. It’s a fun craft to create and educational. For refrigerator magnets you need: Bibles, Bible...
The “Bee” Attitudes
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Inspiration 0
By Kenneth Rindeikis An individual is outside working in the yard on a beautiful Rhode Island spring day. The temperature is above 30 degrees and the opportunity to enjoy the sun is...
Christianity By the Numbers
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Inspiration 0
By Rick Marschall SWARTZ CREEK, MI (ANS) — A lot of Christians think about Heaven in the same way that agnostics sort of hope about the afterlife, and even as assorted Hottentots of the...
Red Heifer Discovered! – Major Obstacle To The Rebuilding Of The Jewish Temple Removed
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2014 0
(The American Dream) – Up until now, one of the major barriers to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem has been the lack of a red heifer. A qualified red heifer has not been seen...
Russia-China Deals: Another Nail in the Coffin for U.S. Dollar
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2014 0
By Alex Newman (The New American)The Kremlin and the Communist Chinese regime, through their state-controlled “companies,” have been signing major deals with each other that analysts say will...
25 Years of Victory
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2014 0
By Fred Comella It’s easy to look around and be discouraged these days. From every observation point we see a world in turmoil. The problems are many and solutions difficult, or are they? I’ve...
Jul 02, 2014 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, July 2014 0
By Coach Dave Daubenmire “For God has not appointed us unto wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ…” Somebody needs to tell the thousands of Christians being...