Category Archive: Featured, February 2015

Russia Throws Down the Gauntlet: Energy Supply to Europe Cut Off; Petrodollar Abandoned as Currency War Escalates
Feb 03, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, February 2015 0
By Mike Adams (NaturalNews) There are some big moves taking place on the global stage that you need to know about, as this could all lead to World War III. Last week Russia cut off its natural...
ObamaCare: Bad News for Taxpayers, Good News for Tax Preparers
Feb 03, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, February 2015 0
By Michael Tennant “Let’s face it: The tax code has always been hard to understand,” says an H&R Block video. “And now that the Affordable Care Act has made healthcare a tax issue, no...
Let’s Storm The Gates Of Hell
Feb 03, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, February 2015 0
By Coach Dave Daubenmire From November through February, we seem to move from one celebration to another. Thanksgiving to Christmas…New Year’s Day…MLK…Super Bowl...
I Will Not Whine, I Will Shine
Feb 03, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, February 2015 0
By Elizabeth Filipe “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson The first question...
Year in Review: 2014
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 0
Back To The Future Now 14 years into a new millennium, the year jerked us back to a past we thought we’d left behind: Beheadings, race riots, Soviet-style conflict, and runaway epidemics ...
“The Disturber of Hobbits…”
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 0
By Fred Comella What does it mean to be a Christian writer? Well to be truthful, I’m not sure, or at least I wasn’t sure until this past week. I can tell you that when I finish an article for my...
South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Votes to Allow “Gay” Groups to March
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 0
By Brian Camenker – MassResistance The headlines in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald shocked pro-family readers, announcing that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee had voted to allow a...
Lesbian Publisher, Gay Activist Found Deliverance in Christ
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 0
By Mark Ellis At a tender age, she became convinced boys only wanted one thing – sex. After she lost her innocence and got turned off by boys’ aggressiveness, she gradually moved toward the gay...
Half A Century Of Eternal Treasures
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 4
Dr. John DeBrine and Songtime Radio By Elizabeth Filipe “When he called me, his deep, gravelly voice reminded me of an older Tom Brokaw.” Articulate, soft-spoken, and yet remarkably...
Bush v. Clinton In 2016? New World Order Dream Matchup Being Touted As ‘Inevitable’
Jan 05, 2015 Larry Lepore - Editor Featured, January 2015 0
By Michael Snyder The next presidential election is still nearly two years away, and yet the mainstream media is already telling Americans who they are supposed to vote for. Now that Jeb Bush has...