Category Archive: Health

The Day the Doctor Kicked Me Out for Not Vaccinating My Daughter
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Veronica Our First “Well-Child” Visits with The Doctor Dr. K. became our family pediatrician the day our daughter was born. I had a natural birth at the hospital, and he was on call that day...
President Trump Nominates Big Pharma Pro-Vaccine Exec as Secretary of the Health and Human Services
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
by Autism Action Network President Trump just nominated former chief lobbyist and President of the US division of drug company Eli Lilly, Alex Azar, to be the next Secretary of the Health and Human...
Pregnant women targeted by NHS England to take an untested and risky flu vaccine
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) The NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) of England is urging pregnant women and the elderly to line up for their free flu vaccine. However, they...
My Doctor Told Me My Baby Would Have Down Syndrome: “We Can Terminate If You’d Like”
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Karen C My husband and I were thrilled to find out we were pregnant with our seventh kiddo! We knew our kids would be equally as excited and so we wanted to tell them in an extra special way....
Medical Kidnapping of Seniors: A $273 BILLION Industry
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
How the Elderly Lose Their Rights By Rachel Aviv For years, Rudy North woke up at 9 a.m. and read the Las Vegas Review-Journal while eating a piece of toast. Then he read a novel—he liked James...
Homeland Security to Release Chemicals into the Air to Simulate a Biological Terror Attack
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Jay Syrmopoulos Newkirk, OK – The Department of Homeland Security plans to conduct chemical and biological testing near the border between Kansas and Oklahoma in January and February, and again...
Dr. Cammy Benton: CDC Admits There is No Science Behind the Annual Flu Vaccine
Dec 17, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Health Impact News The VAXXED team recently interviewed Dr. Cammy Benton from North Carolina who is board certified in both Family Medicine and Functional Medicine. Dr. Benton related that...
Vitamin C and antibiotic combination outperform anticancer drug by 100x
Nov 16, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) Researchers have uncovered the stunning revelation that taking antibiotics along with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) could be dramatically more potent against cancer...
Vaccines do NOT cause injuries, according to House Resolution 327
Nov 16, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) The introduction of House Resolution 327 for consideration by the U.S. House of Representatives marks an attempt to take the vaccine injury cover-up to a whole new...
Transgender hormone blockers are ‘institutionalized child abuse’
Nov 16, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Mark Hodges WASHINGTON, D.C. – A nationally recognized pediatrician offered a jolting reality check about the dangers of encouraging children to think they are transgender and prescribing...