Category Archive: Health

Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life’s blueprint
Sep 19, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Malcolm Ritter At Jef Boeke’s lab, you can whiff an odor that seems out of place, as if they were baking bread here. But he and his colleagues are cooking up something else altogether: yeast...
Yale doctor: Secret anti-Trump gov’t forces recruited me
Sep 19, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Horn News staff There’s a congressional plot against President Donald Trump — and it could lead to him being ousted from office. Yale’s Dr. Bandy Lee, a renowned psychiatrist, confessed to...
Study finds association between childhood vaccination and the onset of neuropsychiatric disorders
Sep 19, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) A study conducted as a joint effort between the Yale University School of Medicine and the Penn State University College of Medicine recently examined the...
Stericycle cancels contracts with abortion centers
Sep 19, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
Medical waste company refuses to collect trash from facilities that don’t have another provider to take baby body parts By Samantha Gobba (WNS)–The nation’s leading medical waste disposal...
Pesticide DANGERS: The Poison Papers expose decades of collusion between industry and regulators
Sep 19, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) A massive cache of documents and correspondence between regulatory agencies and the chemical industry has now seen the light of day – and it exposes a...
Sunscreen chemical turns highly toxic when exposed to sunlight, study reports
Aug 15, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) Chronic low vitamin D levels have already been linked with an overuse of sunscreen, which has blocked many populations from receiving enough of the sun’s...
Study: Coconut Oil Offers Protection Against Inflammation and Diabetes
Aug 15, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Paul Fassa (Health Impact News) – Forty percent of women today are obese. Many believe obesity is a precursor to diabetes, which if not reversed will lead to further health complications,...
Study: Vegetable Oils Contribute to Fatty Liver Disease – Saturated Fats Do Not
Aug 15, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Paul Fassa (Health Impact News) – Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is rapidly becoming an international epidemic. The mainstream medical mantra for its underlying cause is “fat...
Strawberries contaminated with pesticides and grown with poisonous gases
Aug 15, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dena Schmidt (NaturalHealth365) The U.S. grows an estimated 3 billion+ pounds of strawberries each year, with California producing over 90 percent of them. (Much of the rest are grown in Florida.)...
Should All Homeschooled Children be Required to Report to “Child Protection Services” to Check for Abuse?
Aug 15, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
by Richard Wexler Marie Cohen’s latest column in The Chronicle calls for requiring that every parent who homeschools a child bring that child before a mandated reporter of child abuse for periodic...