Category Archive: Health

Pediatricians warn parents: Pot is not benign
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
Experts say looser marijuana laws lead some to assume the drug is safe By Kiley Crossland (WNS)–America’s largest association of pediatricians is pushing back against a growing perception...
New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Daisy Luther A new law quietly passed last December contains a waiver of informed consent that eliminates the requirement of pharmaceutical companies to let you know if a medication or vaccine...
Health Briefs
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
Pediatricians warn parents: Pot is not benign (WNS)–America’s largest association of pediatricians is pushing back against a growing perception that marijuana is safe for teens. The American...
Federal Court Unseals Documents Revealing Glyphosate in Roundup Linked to Cancer
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News reported on the alleged fraud of sealed documents that the U.S. EPA had in their possession that showed glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup...
Doctors call for abortion pills at pharmacies
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
Loosening the rules on RU-486 could endanger women By Samantha Gobba (WNS)–A group of doctors and abortion advocates are calling for easier access to abortion pills through pharmacies. The Food...
Bill would give bosses more access to workers’ health histories
Apr 01, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
The proposal in Congress would allow companies to link genetic testing with insurance payments By Charles Horton (WNS)–The House Committee on Education and the Workforce recently approved HR...
‘Jumping genes’ further debunk evolution
The elegance of the human genome shows design at work in the universe By Julie Borg (WNS)–A discovery by Swiss scientists assigns a purpose to previously misunderstood portions of human...
Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes
Mar 03, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) Statins, the widely prescribed class of drugs said to lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems, has recently come under fire...
Prescription Medications: Third Leading Cause of Death
Mar 03, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By Dr. Brownstein’s Folks I have been writing to you for many years now about the dangers of solely relying on prescription medications. Nearly all prescription medications work by poisoning...
Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease
Mar 03, 2017 Jack Thiel Health 0
By ANH-USA Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking new study that shows a link between Roundup and severe liver damage. The study found that Roundup administered to rats at extremely low doses...